Sunday, May 31, 2009

~ kEmErEpEkAn ~

~DiS iS mY seConD daY aS a BloGgEr...
~my cousin said that..'nape ko wt dlm BI x phm aku nk bce'...
~i also wondering why am i do diz in care about her's feeling,i will do in bm
~ha! klo korg nk taw...aku rase blog niyh bleh m'bantu kite dlm khidupan seharian kiter taw!
~especially,bler kte ader,problem....cuz,kiter leyh curahkan isi aty kte dlm ni n share dgn
org lain...
~ha.."curah isi hati" kite leyh short kn jd (CURHAT) okie! kn comel skit ble kter dgr..simple lg
~korg sume ley la curhat kt sesape yg korg caye ek ttg problem korg! ^_^
~ari ni ari,aku ader tusyen jap agy ni kul 2...huhu..rase mls pulak nk pegi...
~cuz xder inspiration larh kt pusat tuisyen tuuuuu...hik3..
~hey..kengkadang inspirasi kite tu kn..leyh wt kter bjaye taw! sbb,kte hepy n rjin nk g tusyen
sbb nk tgk dier kn...secare x lgsung,,kite blaja jgk..hehehe.. :))
~ha..smpy sni larh dlu ak merepek ek...cuz ak ader byk keje nk kne wt agy...
~next time i'll improve on my writing okie!
~LOVE ALL MY LOVER!! mwahhh! ^_^

Saturday, May 30, 2009

~SiLLy Me~

~diz is my first time as a blogger...i heard about dis,a long time ago..but,i didnt hve a time to know about diz...
~blogging is a great thing that we can do in our life...cuz, we can talk about our lifetime sincerely n share with others...
~i hope my blog,will makes people LOVE their life after diz....
~and so go on with ur life happily...cuz sometimes we really silly in making decisions in our life...
~hmmm....i like to share my feelings with others...
~cuz,my life now really miserable about 'somethings.'..
~i will talk about diz next time...
~so,BLOGGERS! u may leave ur comment here ok! negative or positive cmments i'll accept wih sincerely.. ^_^
~hope dis silly girl ''it's me'' will be hepy after the breaking of my hearted just a few days ago!
~see u! daaaaa....mwah! ;))